A ROS robotics library.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
||oCGripperHigh-level interface for a PR2's gripper
||oCHeadHigh-level interface for the PR2's head
||\CTorsoHigh-level interface for the PR2's torso
||oCRandomNumberInterfaceInterface for random number generators
||oCRandomNumberThe cstdlib random number generator
||\CMockRandomNumberA mock random number generator for unit testing
|oCMoveItPlanningSceneSimple interface to the MoveIt planning scene monitor
|oCPointCloudCameraInterfaceInterface for a camera that outputs point clouds
|oCJointStateReaderTracks the latest joint states
|oCPointCloudCameraGets point cloud and camera pose
|oCRecordedPointCloudCameraA simulated camera that loads data from a bag file
|oCDegreesType for angles measured in degrees
|oCRadiansType for angles measured in radians
|\CDragBoxMarkerAn interactive marker for a box with draggable sides